turpentine "A-CHOO!"
the best for the cold!
Cathrine got a cold MIASMA
turpentine "A-choo!"- the best for the cold!

(...) Przed godziną jedenastą -
A - psik!
Już kichało całe miasto -
A - psik!

Aż zabrakło terpentyny -
A - psik!
Z winy jednej Katarzyny -
A - psik!
-Katar - Jan Brzechwa

Those mock posters were inspired by nursery rhyme "Katar"(cold, running nose, etc.) by Jan Brzechwa. The ditty tells a story about a girl, Cathrene, who got a cold - in a cute and truly post-apocalyptic fashion the nursery rhyme depict how easily humanity can fall!
