nim wstanie dzień | As the day breaks

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jest to strona "poglądowa" którą narysowałam na "zadanie domowe" zadane na metodyce nauczania rysunku i malarstwa (studium pedagogiczne). Zadanie polegało na wybraniu czegoś/kogoś co najbardziej inspiruje daną osobę. jak widać z podpisu obok owej strony wybrałam utwór Nim wstanie dzień Edmunda Fettinga (motyw przewodni filmu Prawo i pięść) i "zobrazowałam" jego refren.

Bohaterem tej strony jest jedna z moich odautorskich postaci a mianowicie - Andrzej Sukurs - posłużyłam się jego osobą, gdyż historia którą mu zaplanowałam ma podobny charakter i nastrój co ów utwór muzyczny.

Nie powiem by pan profesor był szczególnie zachwycony ową stroną (pewnie nie jest wielkim fanem komiksu) ale tak czy siak uznał to za ciekawy pomysł i zasugerował bym kontynuowała ten projekt.

It is a rough sketch that I did for one of the classes at teaching course. I had to pick one work that recently inspires me a lot and make a work/sketch based on it. Thus I choose a song Nim Wstanie Dzień by Edmund Fetting and decided to draw a sketch of a comic page loosely basing it on the song's chorus.

I used my own OCs - Andrzej Sukurs - as "main character" of said page. I did that because the mood of the song somehow matches the mood of a story I cooked up for him.

the teacher wasn't that impressed though... but still he recommended me to continue the idea telling me it's good in overall

(translation is unprofessional and sloppy I know. I did my best thou)

"From the world’s four cardinal points
From rowan trees roads
Where burned down forest
Tired wind,
Night and front
Where harvests are not reaped
Where darkened hawthorns grow
The day breaks

The sun will embrace us with it’s arms
And look! How’s the soil is heavy with blood
Yet it will once again yield a field of grain
Golden dust

Women will invite us under their roofs
And look! They will laugh through tears
Once again someone will play us a song
Maybe now?

in a day or two
in a night or three
But not today;
in a night, in a day
You’ll live to see
As the dawn breaks

The loaves of bread will bake in ovens
And look! Where once was only smoke
that mark of war will scar with flowers
with colour of roses

The new children will be born
And look! They will be laughing that we
are still living in those awful times
The times of storms

in a day or two
in a night or three
But not today
in a night, in a day
You’ll live to see
As the dawn breaks"
