Crossover#6(Taint of exile & streets at night) - Graden of exile

commentary under the cut:

I share a friendly relationship with Winzrella. We draw arts and write comments for each-other (well, Winzrella comments more than me). Yet, what, in my opinion, I have the most in common with her is that we both share the same fascination with our countries' (Finland's in Winz's case and Poland's in mine) folklore and past believes. We both, kind of, try to smuggle those themes in our works as much and as best as we can.

For this crossover I used Karina and Viator - they both are on the exile (for more or less political reasons). They meet in a forest, each of them travelling to known only for them destination, yet once meeting each-other they started to chat a little: share informations and experiences from their never-ending journey. Some time later, they part in a friendly manner with a feeling that one day they will meet again.

But that's a story for a different picture...

(dis)claimer of the characters:
Karina (previously known as Augusta) belongs to me
Viator belongs to Miia Tilli (AKA winzrella)

Anyway the title of this post is taken from the song "Garden of exile" by Toby Martin (Used, for example, in a movie Beastly) when I was drawing this piece I thought that the song kind of matches both Karina and Viator.


  1. Beautiful artwork!! I quite like it, the use of black and white is just brilliant!! Winzrella is a wonderful person, I'm sure she'll love this :D

  2. I definitely love it, Lobi!!!

    I have been a bit stressed (not least because I'm unemployed) so this was a refreshing surprise. It also warms me to know that our friendly comment-filled relationship is regarded so well (lacking a better word).

    You are right, Cahir (or should I use Celin?), about what we share in common. It is for a good part this shared interest concerning our own home countries that inspires me a lot when following your work.

    And frankly, I love the fact that you placed Viator together with this interesting ex-princess in this piece of art :D

    Also, even if I comment more than you do, every single comment you have ever made means a lot to me! You have alsways given me inspiring ideas and advice and even if I might not follow them they make me think which is especially important.

    So, in short... Thank you!

    1. actually my name is Celina, but most people call me Celin (which sounds more or less like Celine).

      I'm glad that I've managed to lift your spirit and yes, that's why I love to read your works as well, altho I'm quite behind with them to tell the truth... oh well.

      I'm also very surprised that you like "the ex-princess", I dunno why I'm surprised tho...

      anyway... in short, you're welcome :D

      p.s. the reply is late I know... just forgive me!


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